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The headphones' world .


I'm writing this blog post really quickly, because I should go upstairs and study English for the literature test I'll have tomorrow and for philosophy oral test.
Lately the only one thing that I can do for hours and hours...is listening to music. On Christmas, as you probably read in this blog post, I got this big white pair of headphones, that i really wanted because I saw something like this on Cassie in Skins Pure: if you don't know who she is or what i'm talking about...you better start watching Skins, you don't know what you're losing! It's one of my favorite tv series ever!
In any case, the fact that I can isolate myself so often, helps me relax. I've been spending many afternoons and evenings alone at home, in some cases because i had to study, in others because i was tired. I always find myself that little spot in my daily life in which i can reflect on several things; why did i give dieting? should I save money for a better DSLR Camera that can make video as well? Should i restart working out? When am i going to finally take my drive license?...these are just some of the things that i need to figure out in my life, I don't want to write a whole page about them of course.

When I have my headphones on I can think about my problems and, at the same time, I can escape from them, some ways. Not quite sure why I need this so bad, I just know what to sit and think about these things it's basically one of those things i can't give up doing. 
The song you can listen to in the video at the beginning of the post is my favourite song at the moment, it's the only one that can give my mind that little push it needs to start ''sailing''

What do you do when it comes to your personal space for thinking ?

(I recently uploaded new pics from my summer holiday in Germany, go check them out on Flickr !)

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