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An inspiring door .

HeyHey ! 

I know, it’s definitely been a while since when I last wrote here, but I have good reasons!I've been sick (and I still am); I have sore throat, cough, cold, headache…all the germs family was together, but temperature strangely didn't show up! I was also waiting for all my birthday presents + some orders I did on the internet (that were not here yet) so that I could make pictures and write blog posts about them. Although i didn't write here, i made those pictures :3
Since when I stayed home on Monday, I started watching movies and tv series nonstop. Now, the 5th season of Gossip Girl I downloaded it’s over, I watched all the movies in my pc…so I decided to write down this blog post ! Finally ahah!

Several time, in other blog posts, I mentioned this bedroom’s door I have that I consider so special. I pasted there quotes, sentences and posters about things I like. There’s even a coke label with my name on it and a Sourcy Vitamin Water’s one in blackberry flavor. I love that drink, too bad we don’t have it in Italy. There’s just a bad IMITATION of it -.- .
It may or may not be interesting for you to read about this, I just wanted to show you this thing, It’s something creative I do and that I want to show you guys. Maybe one of my readers does the same thing, and I’d be glad to see some pictures of your creative spot in your bedrooms!

Here’s the picture of my door.

Basically what I do with those papers is to stick them behind the door. There I can see them every time I’m on my bed, when I’m studying at the desk and also when I sit on my pouf (I guess there’s no English translation for this one) to read and listen to music. To read them that often will probably make them part of my way of thinking, I hope.
Rereading them after a while makes me realize also what are the quotes that really should be important in my life and those that shouldn't. For example, the last time I wrote here, on this blog post, I was thinking about a quote from Janis Joplin’s song. I found myself disagreeing with that so I removed it.

Should I write a blog post about the quotes I remove or that I paste on my door? I think it may be interesting to think and write about them. If you comment below there may be also a confrontation, we could talk about it !  Have a nice week everyone, stay tuned for the next blog post, that hopefully will be in the weekend!

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