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The ''Have you ever'' test .

Back when everyone used MSN to chat, instead of WhatsApp and Facebook, I used to have another blog. It was completely different from this one. Starting from the theme, I did it in green with apples everywhere, one in light blue and bottles of milk (??)...it sounds strange but they were really cute actually, than I wrote in Italian there, I often copied lyrics from different songs, I posted awkward pictures of mine (you know, those pictures you could find in Netlog as well...so embarrassing) and I also used to post different testes I did. On my external memory I found some of those testes, as the ''have you ever'' one. So, since the fact I promised you to post some outfits for spring using the clothes i bought when I was abroad and on the Internet BUT I haven't shoot the pictures yet, I thought that with this test you could get to know me a bit better (if you want). 
 Let's get started ! (I had to cut some questions out because there were too many!) 

 ✔ not slept during the whole night? I partied until 7am this summer when I was in Germany, awesome!
✘  run away from a big angry dog
✔ grown a cactus?
✔ grown any plant from a seed? With my scout group we're working on a vegetable garden at the                  moment
✔  been under a waterfall? both natural and unnatural 
✘  sit and stare someone (and they stared back) for more than 1 min( not in a staring game)?
     that would be awkward I guess...
✘  been out during a snow storm? 
✔ lost someone you love?
✔ met and befriended someone born on the same day as you?
✘  been out in the pouring rain for more than 30 min and enjoyed it? Didn't enjoy it...sorry!
✔ won a staring-at-eachother-but-not-laughing-game? I proudly did recently !
✘  petted a tiger? I have lots of turtles...do they count?
✔ seriously fallen in love with a fictional character?
    Ronald Weasley, you'll always have a special  place in my heart 
✘  been completely alone for at least 2 days? I can't do that, I'm too talkative !
✔ been drunk? Many adventures 
✘  broken someones window and run away? It was a vase, and it was in a monastery 
✘  insulted a teacher? I'm not a ''model'' student but I believe in respecting the different roles
✘  bungee-jumped? I'm not planning to tbh, I find it really scary !
✘  roller-skated all day? I tried to learn how to roller-skate...I failed -.-
✔ fallen in love?
✔ talked on the phone for more than 2 hours in a row?
    Back then I didn't even have a contract with free calls in it...I spent 10 euros of credit in 2 hours !
✔ gotten lost in a forest?
    It was one year ago and my friend and I had to reach the top of the mountain to find the way back !✔ slept in a tent? 
✘  helt a butterfly in your hands? I can't remember tbh 
✔ fallen asleep to your favorite music? 
✘  killed something other than a insect or spider?
✔ forgotten something VERY IMPORTANT?
    My mum's birthday and some others...I'm a good daughter/friend !
✔ listened to the same favorite song over and over again more than 10 times? It's routine !
✘  texted/sms-ed someone half of the night? I like to sleep, that's it 
✘  sung karaoke? 
     It has to be a no, because I can sing just when I have headphones on, so I can't hear my own voice
✘  eaten a whole giant cake by yourself ?
     I'm planning to with my brother...stay tune to discover how it will end
✔ spent the whole day reading?
✔ kissed a photo of someone other than your family or a celebrity?
    Social networks make this incredibly easy!
✔ enjoyed thunder, rain and lightning? 
    With a good cup of tea, the fireplace on and a blanket in a cold winter day...who doesn't 
✔ climbed a tree and not been able to climb down and forced to ask someone to take you down? 
     It happened also with some buildings and walls...they weren't even that high 
✔ started loving something you used to hate? 
✔ won a dare?
✔ lost a dare? and since the fact I can't lose...I didn't accept it. 
✘  eaten strawberries until you felt sick?
    They're quite expensive in my opinion and I've never really bought that much strawberries 
✔ cried 2 hours in a row?
✔ baked a cake? Although I'm really terrible when it come to cooking...I proudly did, It was eatable,            everyone digested it...and I need to admit that 
✘  banged your head against the wall on purpose?    ...
✔ tried to swim somewhere where the water is only up to your knees? 
✔ gotten a paper cut?
✔ fallen down the stairs?
✔ tried on a wedding dress? 
    It was my mum's one. She was so thin when she get married...the dress didn't fit me :(
✔ washed a huge pile of dishes by yourself? Let's take a moment to insult my brother 
✘  had a long conversation on the phone with a stranger? I bet it would be fun 
✘  gotten a big encyclopedia as a present from a relative?

And here these are my answer, try to redo this test in your blog, there are many others if you google for them! Hope you like this blog post and the new songs! Have a nice day :)
Hope you like the new songs :)

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