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I'm back from Budapest and Prague .

How are you all ? I'm so tired because of the flight-bus trip back home we did yesterday evening, and Saturday (so today) was not enough to recover because we walked so much during the past week, we had to wake up around 7 so yeah, I needed to sleep as much as i could ! But i can definitely say that the ice cream I had with my friends this afternoon fully recharged me !
This is a short summary of my last school trip that, I need to say in advance, I enjoyed a lot ! Next year I'll miss all my school mates for sure.

We left on Monday morning and, with the bus, we arrived in Pisa where we took an airplane for Budapest and we arrived at the Tulip Inn Millenium (that was not a nice hotel, in my opinion), where we slept for two nights. We went in the center for an hour or something in the evening, but the proper visit of the city was done the day after. On Tuesday evening i had a really big beer that was sooo good!

On Wednesday morning we left and, after 7 hours of bus, we finally arrived in Prague. The hotel was definitely better, check it out here, and also the food was really nice: we had all the dinners in a close restaurant that is associated with the hotel, some of us didn't think it was decent but I personally found it good, in terms of food taste. We visited Prague the days after. I had already been there 5 years ago, or something like that, with my family but I didn't remember half of the things I saw and visited this week, also Prague is one of those city you can't get tired off. As we did, many other Italian schools were there in their school trip and it was fun to meet new people, especially because we were a group of 22 girls and one guy, so let's admit that we had many guys groups around us ahah . On Saturday afternoon we left again with the bus and we had our flight back home. We arrived in Rome and than we took the bus to reach my city.

I had so much fun. Travelling, as I said many times, it's the best thing in the world. I loved every single moments there and I'm sad I'm back home, not because I don't like my life here but I'm constantly looking for a life-change experience abroad !
I bought many things during the trip plus all the orders I did on the internet arrived, so I can definitely say that my next blog posts will be hauls. 

Hope you enjoyed reading about my travel. Comment below telling me about your school trips or your impressions about those two city (If you've been there) and stay tune on Flickr because I'll upload soon some pictures  :)


Goodbye winter .


I got news ! Tomorrow, so on Monday morning, I will leave for my last school trip..yeeaah! 
As some of you may know, travelling is my biggest passion, with languages and photography. 
I literally couldn't wait to leave, these past two weeks were extremely tough because of thousands of testes and other situations that stressed me out. 
We are going to visit and stay for two days in Budapest and for the rest of the week we'll go in Prague. I've already been in Prague with my family, I guess it was 4 years ago, but I'm super excited to go there and visit all over again every spot of the city, because I really enjoyed it the last time I went. And let's face it: travels and holidays with parents are nice, but with friends and classmates they are even better.
I actually don't have here with me the paper with the excursion program, but when i'll be back i'll write everything about my school trip abroad. 
Since the fact I don't have anything else to say about this in this blog post, I want to properly say goodbye to the cold season, posting a couple of pictures I did on those two days when we had snow here.

(Canon 1000D - basic lens 18-55mm)
 I did this from my bedroom, it was an amazing view! Of course I spent the whole afternoon in the garden taking thousands of pictures, but here i'm going to post just this one, because for me it's so...cozy! My blog already has a ''spring theme'' because this is my favorite season. I don't like shorts and bikinis, and that's why i always had a bad relation with the summer time, and, on the other side, I don't like winter that much, although, I have to admit, I'll miss hot chocolate and tea, my big hot duvet and snow.

I'm glad to see that there are more of you reading what i write, i hope i'll have a proper feedback in the comment below as well ! Have a nice week ! 


The headphones' world .


I'm writing this blog post really quickly, because I should go upstairs and study English for the literature test I'll have tomorrow and for philosophy oral test.
Lately the only one thing that I can do for hours and hours...is listening to music. On Christmas, as you probably read in this blog post, I got this big white pair of headphones, that i really wanted because I saw something like this on Cassie in Skins Pure: if you don't know who she is or what i'm talking about...you better start watching Skins, you don't know what you're losing! It's one of my favorite tv series ever!
In any case, the fact that I can isolate myself so often, helps me relax. I've been spending many afternoons and evenings alone at home, in some cases because i had to study, in others because i was tired. I always find myself that little spot in my daily life in which i can reflect on several things; why did i give dieting? should I save money for a better DSLR Camera that can make video as well? Should i restart working out? When am i going to finally take my drive license?...these are just some of the things that i need to figure out in my life, I don't want to write a whole page about them of course.

When I have my headphones on I can think about my problems and, at the same time, I can escape from them, some ways. Not quite sure why I need this so bad, I just know what to sit and think about these things it's basically one of those things i can't give up doing. 
The song you can listen to in the video at the beginning of the post is my favourite song at the moment, it's the only one that can give my mind that little push it needs to start ''sailing''

What do you do when it comes to your personal space for thinking ?

(I recently uploaded new pics from my summer holiday in Germany, go check them out on Flickr !)


Turning 19 .


On February the 17th was my birthday! Yes, although you're almost one month late, you can also wish me happy bday commenting below, I don't mind about the timing, i appreciate the wishes (i'm joking! ahah). So i turned 19 on a Monday, and since the fact that Monday is the worst day to party, i decided to have a small aperitif-dinner with some friends at my place on Sunday evening. We had something to drink, as white wine, aperol etc. I felt so sophisticated and rich: i'm not both but on my birthday i felt like i could act as if was. It may sounds stupid but after the 4th season of Gossip Girl...you need to feel in that way ahah. After that we had a proper dinner with rice and meat, served as in a buffet. I had fun during the whole evening and we waited all together until midnight, you know, just to give sense to the evening (it was not my birthday for the whole time ahah) and after the cake and the presents almost everyone left because the day after was Monday, hated Monday. 
I unfortunately don't have any picture of the evening, I don't really know why. I have a picture of the dress i wore, here it is. It was my mum's present, since the fact that as dress it not that cheap! The shape of it it's amazing and also the yellow was not that bright, kinda mustard, loved it. Sorry for the water-closet in the background but i realized I didn't have a picture of my outfit until when i decided to go to bed so I used the first mirror i found, unfortunately was the toilet's one. 

Yellow dress from Zara - Peter Pan collar (gold and black beads)  from Hotice
The main birthday present i got was this Canon lens, the 50mm. I wanted it for so long. It's not the best one in terms of value for money, but it was until one or two years ago. It's not expensive in fact and let me show you guys some pictures i did with it. Also the other pictures i did for this blogpost are made with the same lens that, i think, i won't be able to remove anymore! I'll use it constantly, it's amazingly good.

Blanket from Butlers -  Lamp from IKEA
Few days ago my grandparents came over and they brought me their presents (in collaboration with my other relatives). I'm not the kind of person that often wears belts and particular scarfs, I often chose average, monochrome ones, but i'll try to wear both the presents i got.
I wear this belt on an average grey sweatshirt from ThinkPink with a brown leather jacket on. 
This green scarfs with black chihuahua printed on it it's from REACT. I find the metal box really cute :3
I liked my presents, maybe some of them are still on their way. Some friends of mine, in fact, live in other city so when i'll receive something i'll update this blogpost, or maybe i will  just re-write a new one, as an haul post...we will see.

Hope you liked this blogpost with a new quality for photography ! Have a nice weekend everyone :)

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An inspiring door .

HeyHey ! 

I know, it’s definitely been a while since when I last wrote here, but I have good reasons!I've been sick (and I still am); I have sore throat, cough, cold, headache…all the germs family was together, but temperature strangely didn't show up! I was also waiting for all my birthday presents + some orders I did on the internet (that were not here yet) so that I could make pictures and write blog posts about them. Although i didn't write here, i made those pictures :3
Since when I stayed home on Monday, I started watching movies and tv series nonstop. Now, the 5th season of Gossip Girl I downloaded it’s over, I watched all the movies in my pc…so I decided to write down this blog post ! Finally ahah!

Several time, in other blog posts, I mentioned this bedroom’s door I have that I consider so special. I pasted there quotes, sentences and posters about things I like. There’s even a coke label with my name on it and a Sourcy Vitamin Water’s one in blackberry flavor. I love that drink, too bad we don’t have it in Italy. There’s just a bad IMITATION of it -.- .
It may or may not be interesting for you to read about this, I just wanted to show you this thing, It’s something creative I do and that I want to show you guys. Maybe one of my readers does the same thing, and I’d be glad to see some pictures of your creative spot in your bedrooms!

Here’s the picture of my door.

Basically what I do with those papers is to stick them behind the door. There I can see them every time I’m on my bed, when I’m studying at the desk and also when I sit on my pouf (I guess there’s no English translation for this one) to read and listen to music. To read them that often will probably make them part of my way of thinking, I hope.
Rereading them after a while makes me realize also what are the quotes that really should be important in my life and those that shouldn't. For example, the last time I wrote here, on this blog post, I was thinking about a quote from Janis Joplin’s song. I found myself disagreeing with that so I removed it.

Should I write a blog post about the quotes I remove or that I paste on my door? I think it may be interesting to think and write about them. If you comment below there may be also a confrontation, we could talk about it !  Have a nice week everyone, stay tuned for the next blog post, that hopefully will be in the weekend!