HeyHey !
Well seems like the last time i wrote here was in 2013...so HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE :D !
(I'm late also this time, i know ahah). I celebrated New Year's Eve in Rome with some friends of mine. Unfortunately for the fact we were staying there for few days in the apartment of my friend's brother (that was not that close to the center), i prefered not to bring my camera, so the few pictures and videos i did during that night were made with my iPhone. Rome is 2h30minutes far by train/car from my city so i think i could go there another time to shopping and take pictures with all the calm of the world. The christmas holidays in general went really good, had some love-trubles this week that made me feel a bit down but i'm recovering. Since when i went back to school i started doing lots of activities that includes running 3 afternoons every week, two acting class/lessons, scout, studying for school and drive license etc. I'm a busy woman, so i have no time to think about a missing boyfriend ;)
Sooo as i wrote on my last post i would like to show you some of the presents i got for Christmas this year to give you inspirations for future christmas or birthday presents. I did not received them on the 25th. Here in Italy we also do celebrate on the 8th of December (the Virgin Day) and on the 6th of January (The Befana or Epifany). Other countries do not have those two festivities.
✦ Pair of socks from my mum. They're kinda high (just a bit above the knee) and they have a cute little bow on the inside that looks like jeans material.
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✦ I already had a pair of gloves for touch screen, i bought them at Primark last summer for one euro or something but they were not as hot inside as these are. I love them!
✦ My friend Sofia bought me these two products from Kiko. I already had a burgundy nailpolish from the same brand but since the fact i'm a clumbsy person i broke it, don't ask me how, i can't remember/explain. About the gold eyeliner, let's admit i can't go any further than mascara and eyeliner when it comes to eyes-makeup so this time i decided i was going for something a bit more particular that i could use during christmas time and also for an evening out to make it a bit more special ! You can fine both the products at the store.
Super colour eyeliner 101 (KIKO) Nailpolish 286 (KIKO) |
✦ I got an iPhone 5S !! NO, I'm kidding, it's a white chocolate one my mum bought us (my brother had one as well)! Let's face it, it looks kinda real also from the picture!
✦ My dad bought for every member of our family one of these bracelet. They all have the infinity symbol (in differente colours) and with the he paired different senteces, the best one for every person. In my case he said that i'll be always part of the family even when i'll work/live abroad. I find it really special.
Infinity bracelet by Cruciani
✦ One thing i'm always asking for is USB key, when it comes to give someone my pictures for a work, or to take school some files etc. I know it looks stupid as present (i needed one for the fact mine are all with few GB and i needed one with quite a lot of space) but you can always search for a particular shape of USB key, my brother got one that looks like a small Asterix (from Asterix and Obelix). Ships, Pigs, Bows, Cupcakes...a USB from the outside can look like a thousands different things.
✦ I wanted this book for so long. I love the previous two books Khaled Hosseini wrote and when i discovered that aanother one was published i couldn't wait to read it. I have the italian version so the original title would be ''And the Mountains Echoed''' . Right now i need to read some books for school but i'm sure that when i'll be free to read whatever i want to i'll be able to read it in a couple of days ! Can't wait!
And the Mountains Echoed - Piemme |
✦ This is nothing particular at all and it may seem awkward as well as presents. Since when i saw one of the latest video from Zoella i fell in love with a dress she has, the one with a white collar and a plaid print/tartan print all over it. When i discovered she got it at Primark, shop that we don't have over here in Italy, I kinda gave up on the ''tartan passion'' of the moment. To cheer me up my mum bought this set of breakfast placemats and with them she paired it with those cute napkins with a christmas fantasy on it.
✦ I'm not that into jewels i guess but this bracelet i had it's really cute and the particularity of it is that it's completely made with recycled tin and, for this reason, it's so light! I can pare it with everything i want and i can even wear it at school because it's simple.
✦ Way before christmas i went to Yves Rocher to buy myself some products. Under the Christmas tree (just to have some other presents to unwrap) i ''found'' these two products you can find in the stores. This is the second time i buy the mattifying powder because when i bought it the first time...it was love at first sight. About the lip balm i can say it works really well and it smells delicious!
✦ My cousing gave me this set of navy gloves and beanie. The particularity is on the shape of the gloves (they're knobs, if this is the right translation) and on the material. These are the softest gloves ever, they are made with fake blue fur.
Set gloves and beanie - H&M✦ This is the best present i had this year! I wanted a pair of big headphones since this summer but i decided to wait untill christmas. I love this white pair sooo much! I've been looking for something like this for a long time, they were not that expensive as well and they looks like Cassie's ones in this picture from Skins Pure. |
Green and blue shirt - Pull & Bear |
✦ This is, as well, something i bought before christmas. I needed a big over sized sweater with a light colour and i found this creamy one at H&M. It has, in the textures, some gold strings that gives it a particular look. I really like it!
✦ At Pull and Bear i also burgundy blazer with a cream coloured cloth on the inside of the sleves that can be showed if you turn them on the end. I paired this blazer with black dresses for parties or also with jeans ans simple tshirts for an aperitifs with friends. It looks good on everyone and with everything. It makes me thinner than what i am because it's a bit longer than the average blazer, it perfectly hides my curvy hips.
Basic burgundy blazer - Pull & Bear ✦ A friend of my mum, who now lives in Milan with her family, came over as every christmas holiday and she kindly brought me this spring t-shirt with half sleaves. I've never been in a good relation with striped clothes. Once i heard a woman saying ''Oh dear, if you are fat the stripes will make you look even larger than what you already are''. Since that day i've never bought something that even had the smallest stripe. But since the fact this t-shirt was a present, i decided i'll give it a chance when i'll lose enough weight. |
I finally did this blogpost! January is almost over and it was going to be ridicoulous to write something about christmas in February. Sorry i couldn't fine some products online but you know, they were presents and there was no price written on the tems. I hope you liked what i wrote, that i gave you some ideas for some presents. I'm planning on writing other interesting blogposts soon.
Thank you for the 300 visualisations i reached yesterday! It seems like i'm not that bad at writing or entertain people. I'm happy about this blog and i'll keep writing here.
(Correct my mistakes pleasee)
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