Good morning everyone !
On Saturday I woke up at 4.30 am, and at 5.15 am I left with a bus for Bologna. I traveled with my my scout group and with some students from the high school I used to go to.
The 21st of March was the day of Memory and Commitment in memory of the Mafia's victims.
When we arrived in Bologna, we took part of a 3h march in the city's streets, and we all ended up in a giant square where there was an amazing speech by Don Luigi Ciotti. Walking the last big streets, you could hear all the names of the people killed by this system, names that were read by people on the main stage, located on the square where we were heading to.
I think that it's not necessary to talk about the Mafia as wrong system, as you may and should already know much about it. If not, if you'll ever get the chance, try to inform you as much as you can.
Italy is often called the country of ''Pizza, Pasta and Mafia'' as stereotype, but, for how cool it may seems in ''The Padrino'' movie, believe me that this system is ruining our country, creating strange circulation of money and dividing even more the South from the North.
Libera is the association that organized this event and many others. It works against every kind of Mafia (Camorra etc.) and that try to reuse territories and buildings taken from these systems in the society. It also does different events to help people think about this situation, that seems so far away from our routine, but in truth it is not.
If you wanna learn more, click HERE, it's Libera's official website. It should be easy to understand, although it is in Italian because, if you are using Google, it should ask you, at the beginning, if you want the entire page to be translated.
The following are some of the very few pics I took. I tried to live the experience, instead of just portraying it: like talking as much as I could with the new people I met there, such as a really nice girl who was over-hearing a conversation I was having with a friend of mine. I recently sent out to the secretarial of my Uni a request for Erasmus, for next year obviously. This girl turned around and asked me what my choices where, and she described me very kindly her experience, giving me tips and advises.
''Mafia fears culture more than justice. Let's invest in culture'' |